Termékek tejes tej (3)

Biolak - Zsírszegény tejpor helyettesítő

Biolak - Zsírszegény tejpor helyettesítő

BIOLAK Package: 25 kg in multilayer paper bag Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: Dairy products not less than> 42% Oilseeds processing products 50% Cereal processing products 5% Premix incl. amino asids, flavor and anticaking agent 3% Skimmed milk powder. - High quality analogue of skimmed milk powder - High digestibility and palatability - Improved feed intake, stress reduction in animals - Fast animal growth Recommendations for use: Biolak is added to all-mash in accordance with listed norms. Aside from that it can be used as a filling to forage in the amount of 2,5-5% (strew over) within 5 days before and after vaccination or another high stress period, also with the aim of enhancement and maintenance of palatability level.
MegaVit - Kationikus profilaktikus takarmánykiegészítő magas tejtermelő tehenek számára

MegaVit - Kationikus profilaktikus takarmánykiegészítő magas tejtermelő tehenek számára

MEGAVIT Package: 30 kg in multilayer paper bag with PE inlet Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: High containing of E vitamin H vitamin (biotin) Zink-methionine Selenium-methionine and selenium-cysteine Balanceness of А, D, Е vitamins and micro elements Calcium and phosphor in high digestible form and right proportion Recommendations for use: The product contains all necessary macro-, microelements and vitamins for maintenance of animal high productivity. It provides productivity growth by 1-2 litres of milk during first two months of application and more than 2 litres during next months of application.
Biomilk-11 Standard - Teljes tejhelyettesítő borjak számára a 4. héttől

Biomilk-11 Standard - Teljes tejhelyettesítő borjak számára a 4. héttől

Biomilk-11 Standard Package: 25 kg in multilayer paper bag. Producer: Biocom Ltd., Republic of Belarus Composition: Dairy products 65% Oliseeds processing products 21% Vegetable fat 11% Premix incl. Multi-Protect Formula 3% Multi-Protect Formula Optimal combination of natural ingredients of: - improvement of feed digestibility; - improvement of immune status; - reducing diarrhea incidence. Recommendations for use: Whole milk replacer for calves from 4th week old. - Complete feed analogue of whole milk - Naturel dairy components - Optimal profile of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements - Immune resistance to intestinal infections and healthy growth - Evident economical benefit